Welcome email

Subject line (3 options):

  1. Welcome to Get a Raise
  2. Thanks for joining our newsletter!
  3. Thanks for signing up!

Hi {NAME},

Andrew from Get a Raise here. Thank you for subscribing and welcome to our community!

You’re probably eager to get started and take your first step — even if it may feel a bit scary 😬.

Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing knowledge with you to help you prepare for your salary negotiation and ultimately get the most out of it. You will get free access to:

...and more useful stuff ✨

In the meantime, why not take a short quiz to find out what’s your negotiation style and how you can improve your skills?

[Take Quiz]

Best wishes, Andrew

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Subject line (3 options):

  1. Welcome to {PRODUCT_NAME}! 👋 Ready?