Localize Portal services

You can now localize the names and descriptions of the services you offer via your Client Portal into any of the languages Smartcat’s UI is available. in, including English, Russian, German, Chinese, Turkish, and Japanese. With this addition, your clients will be able to view your services in their native languages.

Please note that when you localize the name and description of a service, this only affects how they’re shown on the Portal.

Use Intento MT as a proxy provider for other MT services

Intento MT is now available as a customizable MT engine starting with the Unite subscription package. Please reach out to your Customer Success representative if you want it enabled in your account.


Visualize non-printable characters in the Editor

Many of you asked for this! As you’re editing the translation, we will now be visualizing the following tricky symbols and sequences for you (both in the source and target for the current segment):

Regular spaces are marked with a small middle dot, while non-breaking spaces show up as small circles, as follows:



Fixed the issue that caused incorrect tag positioning for nested tags when using the Alt+N shortcut. The segment manual blocking functionality in the Smartcat editor is now available for each segment, no matter how many segments the document contains or what the segment ID number is.